A new dimension for economic integration in the Maghreb
The BMICE was created with the aim of promoting the integration of the countries of the Arab Maghreb Union.
The objective of creating the BMICE is to contribute to the construction of a competitive and integrated Maghreb economy, by developing intra-Maghreb investments and trade and by proposing solutions to regulatory and institutional barriers.

Current Opportunities and Featured News
Banking offers & Financing lines
In order to achieve the economic integration of the Arab Maghreb countries, BMICE offers various commercial offers, including:
The countries and sectors in which we operate
BMICE is active in all major areas of development. We offer a wide range of financial products and technical assistance, and help our member countries exchange and apply knowledge and innovative solutions to address the challenges they face.
Economic Atlas of the Arab Maghreb Countries
Visit our dedicated country pages where you can find country profiles, updates, projects and case studies.